Nursery : Lola W for being a kind friend and always helping her friends and teachers.
Reception : Marcel for showing a positive attitude towards all of his learning this week and blowing us away with his super patterns in maths. Well done Marcel!
Y1: Zayah — helpful friend helping others when getting ready for pe
Y2 : Louie for his amazing efforts when completing all of his activities.
Y3: Ollie P for his continued hard work in spellings every week.
Y4 : Ollie — For being always respectful and curious about learning, a great role model!
Y5:Ellie, Sophia and Atti couldn't swim at all when they started at the beginning of term; they have shown such determination, resilience and bravery and all swam half a width unaided on Wednesday and are confidently going under the water to pick up sinkers. Super proud of them.
Y6 : Florence N for real determination and effort in Maths.