Another week, where everyone has worked really hard. The following children really have gone over and above...well done to all of them !
Nursery : Tilly for being so brave this week and a super kind friend
Reception : Delila for her fantastic work in phonics.
Year 1: Autumn has a fantastic attitude to learning, she is always listening and always asking brilliant questions!
Year 2: Emily from Year 2, as she has been a model member of the class, contributing well to lessons, always trying her best and being helpful to keep our classroom tidy.
Year 3: Amelia, for this week being a real fraction queen and using her maths thinking skills.
Year 4: Ellie -For having a great attitude to learning and persevering in maths!
Year 5: Tom all week he has been trying his absolute best, answering lots of questions and has really impressed me!
Year 6 : Francisco for his enthusiasm and eloquence in Secret book Club and just generally being a role model in our class.