Nursery : Maria, for being so brave and singing a song that she had learnt during morning registration to all of her friends.
Reception: Ava , for settling back into school like a real superstar and putting so much effort into her handwriting.
Y1:Jacob is working really hard completing all his remote learning and has been doing extra writing work as well, writing a story by himself! Well done Jacob !
Y2: Ava ,she's always a joy to talk to in the mornings and she responds to feedback really well, as shown with this weeks fraction work in maths.
Y3: Caleb, for working extremely hard .
Y4: Anna, for constantly completing her work to a high standard and always persevering.
Y5: Thomas, as part of the Sir Captain Tom challenge, decided to dig 100 holes and plant 100 bulbs ! A fantastic effort and his hard work will brighten up his whole whole street !
Y6: Tilly for just always putting 100% into her work during home learning.