COVID-19 Update
With the start of the Spring Term under our belts we are glad to have been able to settle relatively smoothly into a new routine, offering in-school provision for our vulnerable children and those from our critical worker families whilst providing comprehensive online remote teaching to all our pupils at home. We have been able to reach this point thanks to the amazing efforts of staff in preparing and improving our systems whilst adapting to ever-changing circumstances.
What is clear , however, is that the number of pupils eligible to attend school under the critical worker provision is much higher than during the first lockdown. We therefore need to ensure that we can accommodate those most in need whilst recognising that we must continue to do everything that we can to keep staff and pupils as safe as possible in school in light of recent Coronavirus developments.
As I am sure you will understand, running a dual system of educating and supervising children in school whilst providing remote learning to those children at home places an additional logistical staffing burden on the school as teachers are deployed to online teaching whilst staff are still required in the classrooms for those being educated in school. The extremely rapid rate of transmission of the virus at the moment means that we must do everything we can to protect our school community: pupils, parents and staff alike.
The recently updated guidance from the Department for Education has reiterated that whilst children with at least one parent or carer who is a critical worker can go to school if required, parents and carers who are critical workers should keep their children at home if they can.
Please note the revised risk assessment, is now on the website for your information.