This weeks superstar children are...
Nursery :James for excellent listening on the carpet and joining in during group time.
Reception: Gracie , for working really hard in phobics and for writing excellent sentences in literacy.
Y1 :Louie -he wrote a sentence completely independently on Wednesday and has been trying his hardest in all his independent tasks. He has also behaved beautifully for the past two weeks. Keep it up Louie !
Y2: Darah is going to be our excellent child this week, because I've been really impressed with how she's finally starting to work and play with other children.
Y3: Rose . for her fantastic journalistic writing.
Y4: Harry - for trying really hard and for being such an excellent role model.
Y5: Tom - for excellent work in maths.
Y6:Ciara for her wonderful, thoughtful newspaper writing this week.