Upcoming Events and Important Dates
Wed 8th May - Coffee Morning 9:30 - 10:30am
Thurs 9th May - The Ascension of the Lord - Mass @10am in church
Fri 10th May - Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre assembly
Fri 10th May - Kindness Bun Sale to raise money for the Red Cross
Mon 13th May - SATS week
Mon 13th May - Grandparents Gardening Week
Tues 14th May - Year 3 Gardening
Wed 15th May - Year 4 Gardening
Fri 17th May - May Procession
Thurs 23rd & Fri 24th May - Year 5 Residential, Castleton
Half Term - 27th - 31st May
Mon 3rd June - INSET Day
Mon 17th June - Year 6 Crucial Crew
Wed 19th June - Francophone Day
Mon 24th June - Wellbeing Week
Weds 26th June - Sports Day
Thurs 4th July - Festival of Art
Fri 12th July - School Prom
Mon 15th July - Year 6 Performance
Fri 19th July - 1:30pm End of Summer Term
Summer Break - 22nd July - 3rd Sept
Wed 4th Sept - Pupils return to school