St Joseph's Learning Behaviours
Congratulations to the children who have been awarded their Team Worker certificate for their learning behaviour this week.
REC - Aubrey for constantly thinking of others whether it be sharing, tidying up the class, problem-solving or being a fantastic talk partner by listening to others views and generally bring a really kind friend
Y! - Niamh because she always works well with all her peers. At every opportunity she helps others, listens to what her peers have to say and is always a kind, considerate friend
Y2 - Benjy because he has shown that he can be supportive with others to enable them to succeed. He has particularly shown this during PE, when he has challenged his partner and taken on a coaching role.
Y3 - Eliza always works well with others, she listens to others and takes account of their views.
Y4 - Isaac always listens very carefully to others, he works well with anybody and offers kind advice
Y5 - Ollie works consistently hard across the board and is such a good team player. He can work well with anyone; always offering his ideas and listening to the views of others. He is happy to take the lead if needed and is always aware of the feelings of the others in the group.
Y6 - Sammy is a wonderful role model in Y6. He brings out the best in everyone in learning, sports and friendship. A real team-worker.