Early Years
In EYFS we plan and teach a skills and knowledge based curriculum. Children learn through play based and adult focused learning during the week linked to the story or theme they are learning about. We ensure there is a combination of child-intiated learning and adult led learning, and we carefully plan activities to spark the children's curiosity and engagement based on their current interests.
Areas of Learning
All areas are planned and taught within EYFS to ensure the children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. Our themes and core texts ensure coverage across all 7 areas of learning from FS1 to FS2.
Prime areas of Learning
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Communication, Language and Literacy
- Physical Development
Specific areas of Learning
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Art and Design
We follow Read Write Inc and Maths Mastery to ensure children are being taught the skills and knowledge in Early Reading, Writing and Maths.
Here is our FS2 knowledge organiser for autumn...