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St Joseph's Academy

St. Joseph's
Catholic Academy


 Week Beginning 4.02.19

Wow what a busy week, our eggs hatched and Mr. Barnsley sent us the CCTV footage from the classroom and a dinosaur has hatched in our classroom!  He said that the eggs had travelled with him and he asked us to look after them. This week we are going to be looking at the book “Dinosaurs Love Underpants” by Claire Freedman and Ben Cort. We are going to be thinking about story prediction, retelling and rhyming words! Another busy week ahead.

On Tuesday it is Chinese New Year and be will be using the book “Dragons in the City” to learn all about this celebration. We have just finished our celebration topic in R.E. and so we will be thinking about the similarities and differences in the Chinese New Year celebrations.

In maths we will be exploring addition and subtraction. This week we will be using the star words:

Star Words (Key Vocabulary), first, then, now, plus, equal to, take away

This week we are going to be learning about what happened to the dinosaurs and conducting an experiment using a volcano.

If you have any cardboard recycling that can be used for junk modelling please can you bring these in for our dinosaur models, these will be made at the end of our topic.

The “show and tell” happens on Friday afternoon and the items can be anything including drawing, writing, or a toy. However, they should be linked to our current topic of dinosaurs to ensure we maximise full learning.