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St Joseph's Academy

St. Joseph's
Catholic Academy

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

This year, the Year 2 team is made up of Mr Findler, Mrs Rippon (Tue-Fri) and Mrs Fiddler (Mon).

Our Curriculum

During the summer term we will be covering a range of exciting topics.

Maths Mastery - adding and subtracting two 2-digit numbers, numbers within 1000, measuring and capacity, word problems, and multiplication and division.  

Phonics - Some children will be working their way through our phonics Read Write Inc scheme of work, which aims to build on reading and writing skills.  Most children are now moving off the programme, and are focussing on building fluency and comprehension.  

English Mastery – Throughout the summer term all children are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, as part of our class text.  We will be writing in a range of ways, such as newspaper articles, character profiles, non-chronological reports, and poems.  

Science – We will be exploring everyday uses of materials, and working scientifically through a series of experiments.  

RE – We will be learning about Pentecost, reconciliation, Sikhism, universal church, and Islam.   

Art & DT - We will explore the works of different artists and try to seek inspiration to use with packaging and design of chocolate bars.  We will also be making 3D constructions, which can then be used in advertising our chocolate creations.    

PE - We will be developing our physical skills, athletics, health and fitness, and finishing the year with an exploration of  using these skills in games.  

Spanish - The weather, asking where things are, countries, pets, body parts and birthdays.


Home Learning

Home learning will continue to be presented via Learning with Parents.  This maths and English work will reflect the learning that has taken place in class.  

Reading - Children will bring home x2 reading books, which can be read independently at the child's reading level, and a reading for pleasure book, which the child may not necessarily be able to read, but will develop the joy of reading and stories for children.  

Spelling - Children will regularly have spelling zapper books, with a grid of words to be successfully spelled four times at home before being tested and moved on in class.  

Learning with Parents - Topics will be uploaded each week, which will correlate to what the children learn in school at that moment in time. Learning with parents now covers both maths and English subjects.  You can access the website here 

Real PE - This term you can support your child in developing their skills by following some activities from the Real PE home login, and look at the Juggling Theme for sending and receiving skills, and the Fairy Tale Theme for reaction and response skills.  

Times Table Rockstars - The children have been given their Times Table Rockstars usernames and passwords for them to practice at home. You can access the website here


Our Classroom