Collective Worship and Assemblies
Sharing our faith together is important to us. We do this in lots of ways, including: Whole school Collective Worship, weekly Mass, special whole school Mass, Key Stage Collective Worship, class liturgy and daily prayer.
Collective Worship and Assemblies
Collective Worship is an important part of school life and takes place every day.
Each school week begins with a whole school collective worship on a Monday. This brings the children from Reception through to Year 6 together to reflect on the Gospel message from Sunday Mass and how this can be taken into our week ahead. Each Key Stage holds a weekly collective worship and class collective worship takes place throughout the week. Each Friday there is a whole school ‘Celebration Assembly’ which sees children from each class presented with a ‘Star of the Week’ award for special achievement in their work, conduct, actions, or friendship. This assembly gives all children the chance to shine and for the school community to hear about the things they have been doing. At the end of the assembly, everyone joins together with shared prayer time in thanksgiving.
Throughout the academic year, each class has the opportunity to plan and perform their own class Assembly. These assemblies are themed and link to the topic currently being explored in RE.
Class Collective Worship
Class Collective Worship is planned and carried out by the children in individual classes with support from class teachers (this varies between Key Stages).