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St Joseph's Academy

St. Joseph's
Catholic Academy


Wow week 4 already! This week we are going to be thinking about our own families, who is in our family and how they are precious to us! We will be reading the story “Peace at last” by Jill Murphy and joining in with the different parts of the story. We will be sequencing the story, acting it out and using instruments to represent the different noises in the story.

In maths we are starting our whole class maths mastery sessions and we will be looking at the topic of pattern and early number. This week we will be using the star words:

Pattern, colour, size, big, small, long, short, next, before, extend, next, before and colour names

Maths with Parents is now live, and the Reception login code is 504505, please let a member of the team know if you need any help with logging in.

As well as reading books, this week we have also sent home a library book and some phonics homework. These will be changed weekly and updated with the new sounds we have learnt. Please can you ensure you are filling in the yellow reading records and that book bags are sent into school every day.

P.E. takes place on Tuesday; please can you ensure that your child has a P.E. kit on Tuesday. Where possible please can you encourage your child to dress themselves and show them how to get in and out of their school uniform and shoes.

Thank you to everyone that attended our parent’s curriculum catch up. The power point that was used on the night will be added to our class page and I will be sending out some of the handouts as discussed over the next few weeks.