Reception WB 13.5.19
Week 5
Wow we can’t believe it is week 5 already!! This week we are going to be using the story of “The Bad Tempered Ladybird” by Eric Carle and thinking about what makes us bad tempered and what we can do when we feel like that. We will also be using our non-fiction books from the library to find out lots more about insects and minibeasts. We will be going on a hunt in our outdoor area to see what minibeasts live near us. This week we will also be writing and acting out our own stories using helicopter stories.
In maths we are introducing the concept of doubling and using the star words;
Double, altogether, how many, count, half, equal, same, part- part whole model
This term we are focusing on our reading skills and we have started some guided reading groups. Please can you make sure you are reading at home regularly and filling in your child’s reading records. If your child is missing their green or red words books, please let a member of the team know so that these can be replaced.
Show and tell continues on Friday afternoons. I have sent out some home learning ideas and the items can be anything including drawing, writing, or a joke (ideally not a toy) linked to our current topic “How Does Your Garden Grow” to ensure we maximise full learning. Show and tell allows children to work on their questioning skills and gain confidence in front of their peers.