Reception 18.3.19
This week we are reading the story “Eliot Jones, Midnight Superhero” by Anne Cottringer and Alex T. Smith.
We will be exploring different characters and creating our own superheroes. We will be describing our characters, thinking about what powers they might have and having a go at designing a costume.
In maths we are moving on and looking at grouping and sharing. We will be using the star words;
Groups of, each group, altogether, same, different, number, equal groups, groups of, each group, altogether, is equal to, equal groups, same number
This week our early morning starter will focus on addition and subtraction using a number line.
Our farm visit is next week, if you have any outstanding permission slips please can you bring these in during the week.
Show and tell will continue on Friday afternoons. I have sent out some home learning ideas and the items can be anything including drawing, writing, or a joke (ideally not a toy) linked to our current topic superheroes to ensure we maximise full learning. Show and tell allows children to work on their questioning skills and gain confidence in front of their peers.